If you're reading this it's likely true you've already received the below email, but I figured I needed to get back into the swing of things here.
‘Ello mates!
For those of you who don’t understand the above reference, I am excited to share some news: I’ve just accepted a six month transfer to Sydney, Australia. I’ll be continuing to work at the same company, but working from home in our Australian office, which will consist of me and my manager (and and a computer and hopefully a view of the ocean - there's no physical location).
The biggest "downside" to this arrangement is the timing: I’ll be there July to December, which turns out to be winter down under. Fortunately I’ve head Australian winter is comparable to winter in California, so I don’t expect it to impact my beachgoing too much.
I’m eagerly anticipating a change of pace and the opportunity to live abroad (and maybe less than eagerly anticipating both packing up my apartment here and the plane flight), and look forward to exploring a new place. Before I get there, though, I thought I’d ask my current friends for help finding new ones.
1. Do you have friends/siblings/college roommates/third cousins/a guy you met on the bus one time who live in Australia/have even been to Australia/know where Australia is located on a map? Dig up those email addresses and introduce me! I would really appreciate it. I know zero people in the whole country and I can’t even think of anyone I know who lives within a 10 hour plane flight (this is a lie: it’s only 9 hours and 40 minutes to Tokyo! Emily Coleman, how long are you staying?)
2. Would you like a post card from down under? Reply to this email with your mailing address and your wish is my command (but not for a few more months, unless you request one from DC or whatever airport I connect through to get there).
3. The blog’s coming back! There are no new posts yet (ed. note: this is now false, but it's not a true new post given that it's been sent out in email form) but feel free to look back and relive my time in Asia (or experience it for the first time if we weren’t friends before). I anticipate this will be a good way to keep track of me from 17 time zones away. (kidding, it’s only 14 if you live on the East coast!)
Finally, I really wouldn’t have even applied, and certainly wouldn’t be moving to the other side of the earth, without all of you and your support up until now – even if you didn’t know you helped! Thank you!