Liz and I are making dinner. We bought a stove for 1000 rupees today, and a pot and some dishes. The tomatoes smell great. Liz, the voice of reason, decided against a stovetop connected to a gas cylinder for fear that we would blow up the house (plus gas is annoying to get, and comes in big cannisters, and we live down three flights of stairs), so we bought a one burner electric hotplate. I have no idea if you can also get them for 25 dollars in the states, but I bet you can't sell them back at the end of your stay.
I also bought two AAA batteries for 50 rupees, which I know is a better price than at home. I might have gotten ripped off, because I saw them for 9.5 rupees each in the bazaar later. Although I don't have any 50 p coins, so I'm not sure how I would have paid that.
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