What is this?

formerly a blog about India.
now technically in the beyond
six months in Oz

Thursday, July 18, 2013

New Jersey

Longtime readers will notice there's something slightly different about this site now. I've changed the color scheme. I felt like it was time, but I'm not entirely happy with it, so it might be an ongoing process.

Right now I'm stuck in the limbo that is New Jersey. It's wonderful to see my family, but absolutely terrible for working as I am actually half a world (and 14 time zones) away. It's challenging to call during business hours, to say the least. However, it's nice to be able to have some quality time here before I'm gone for so long, and get some good food to boot. I'm also doing a multitude of other fun things, like giving my brother Macklemore tickets for his birthday (which I'll miss later this fall) and seeing his jaw drop. I'm also going to see "Let It Be" on Broadway, which should be entertaining if nothing else.

Other than that, it's mostly delaying a lot of emails to send later, and figuring out what to pack for "summer" in San Francisco and then SUMMER in Australia. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Packing up

Every time I pack I realize just how much stuff I have an how little I really need. I'm planning on spending a month in San Francisco (my visa got delayed) and six months in Australia bringing only one suitcase and a backpack, as well as a laptop. I will still probably end up bringing too much stuff. That's the thing about stuff - it weighs you down and makes it harder to move around. I remember this every time I travel and forget about all the things I keep around my house for no apparent reason. One day perhaps I'll improve and actually throw things away, rather than just moan about putting it all in boxes. I'm doing a better job than I have in the past, but the idea of putting everything I own in boxes and suitcases is paralyzing.

I know from experience, though, that once I leave I won't think at all about any of the things I've left behind. I might long for the people and the places but none of the stuff is essential. Perhaps when I get back I'll pare down my possessions to 100 or 200 and emulate minimalist bloggers and people who make that a priority.

The issue I've always thought would hinder me is the lack of colorful options available when you cut your stuff. At that point it makes sense to wear only gray and black and decorate your home in a few colors, but that doesn't jive with my personality and has always interfered. I'm realizing that's a thin excuse and I should get a better one, or walk the talk and cut back to the essentials: some clothes, a cast iron pan, a computer, and some headphones. And all my glasses - beer just doesn't taste the same out of anything else.